Saturday, 17 April 2010

Mair's Cancer Charity Game

Hey guys,

Tomorrow night we are running a one-off game on Pokerstars on behalf of Mair38 (on RTR). She is a long time member of the forum, as well as one of the main people over at APAT. Mair recently lost her brother to cancer and is doing some wonderful work on behalf of Cancer Research UK. We have organised a NLHE Event on PokerStars with a $10 Buy-in all funds going to Mary's charity.


As discussed previously we will be holding a charity game to help support Mary and her wonderful work for cancer research.

You can see more details here:  -You can donate directly by going to her sponsorshp page.

We are planning a game for Sunday 18th April at 8.30 (to run alongside the prestigious Bloggerment). It's will be a $10 Entry fee and all winnings to be shipped to Mary upon completion

For every entry into the game, RTR will donate $5 to Mary's cause. So 10 players would be $50 etc.

We will also donate a 3 month membership to GrinderSchool's Poker Training site to the winner.

If anyone else wishes to donate prizes then please feel free.

It would be appreicated if you could put this up on your blogs and get it some publicity for Mary, as it;s a wondeful cause.

Game Details:


Sunday 18th April


$10 Buy In

password: Mair38 (it's a capital "M")

Tourney Number: 261128458

Registration Open now!!

(also of anyone could create a banner or advert of somekind that would be awesome.)

Please give this a mention on your blog and even if you cannot play, just register and donate $10 as it's so worthwhile.

Thanks in advance.



  1. GREAT EFFORT MATE. Who took down the free 3 month Grinder school thing?
