Monday, 5 July 2010

June Round-up

Well June was extremely poor for me. I had no focus. I didn't grind and I went on holiday. Poker just basically took a back-seat. I also think my lack of focus was a real problem, never knowing what I felt like playing and what i wanted to concentrate on had a pretty big effect on my mood to play.

I genuinely have to make a decision what I am gonna do for July and stick to it.

Anyways Round-Up:


PokerStars: 32 tourneys for a $318.80 loss
Full Tilt: 37 tourneys for $11.37 profit.
Cereus: 11 tourneys played for a  $87.15 loss

Didn't play any hands of cash.

Overall = $394.58 loss

First losing month of the year.


  1. what did u play in your most profitable month m8?

    because I would go with what ever you played then.

  2. MTT's, but they are so variance ridden and I have to really be in the mood to sit down and play

  3. Well thats poker but chin up, you sould do well next month, I had a bad month but thats cause I have been playing 2 to 7 Triple Draw on PokerStars... but its fun

  4. mik mate, mtts when you have the time and feel ready for a long session - cash when you just wanna log some hands and earn some cash?

  5. Hard to concentrate with the World Cup on.
